
Laravel Payments

Laravel Payments is a flexible plans and subscription management system for Laravel. Originally forked from bpuig/laravel-subby and rinvex/laravel-subscriptions.

What it does

The way this package is made:

  1. There are plans that have features
    1. These plans can have multiple combinations (country, currency, periods…).
  2. There is an entity (morph) receiving the trait HasSubscriptions (subscriptions). It can be a user, a team, whatever you want; see Attach Subscriptions to model.
  3. This entity can have many subscriptions to one or more plans and use their features and other features not attached to a plan. The subscription is made as a “snapshot” of current plan details. If plan is modified in the future, subscriber’s subscription stays as it was, price, invoicing and features are “frozen” unless manually synchronized with related plan.

Processing payments

Payment services are dispatched when renewal or schedule time has come. The package provides a “free” payment service, with no logic. You need to make your own services for your payment providers.

Scheduling changes

With Schedule you can schedule one or multiple plan changes in a future date.



Refer to the Releases for a changelog of the project.


Forked originally from bpuig/laravel-subby and rinvex/laravel-subscriptions. Thank you for creating the original!

This software is released under The MIT License (MIT).

© 2020-2023 B. Puig, Some rights reserved.